Selasa, 01 Maret 2016


At least this is a simple process of how to make a t-shirts. It looks simple, but in need of patience because it make t-shirts can not be arbitrary as shirts make the election.

1. Choose Material
For materials, I suggest you make from cotton combed. Given the strength of t-shirts in addition to existing designs in the quality of the ingredients. Why is that, because of t-shirts more segmented. Generally, people who have money and are educated purchase. So do not mess around when looking for material.

2. Cutting

Once the material is obtained, then cut according to size, can be S, M or L and XL. This love-love alone. If you want to start, start of All Size L used or reproduced. In addition, do not make bulk, just make a limited edition and determine its market.

3. Design
Hmmm, this is the interesting part. DESIGN. It needs to be an inspiration and a good understanding of customer needs. If the design can photograph the needs of the market, be assured regardless of the product will be sold. There are two important tools, first about the ins and outs of the design, the second tool. Corel + Photoshop master, may also want a bit complicated to get into Adobe Illustrator. I really like the Corel + Photoshop. Two is enough, the most important is its design. There are 3 that need to be designed, logo, packaging and image dikaosnya. All three are crucial.

4. penyablonan
Sablon can be administered alone or dimakloon. There are a wide variety of printing techniques, ranging waterbase until the gradation. Choose an experienced handyman t-shirt screen printing.

5. Tailoring
After printing, the new dijahit.Cari experienced seamstress sew shirts, shirts let durable and does not tear if used motion. The quality of stitching can be seen from the neatness and stitch density.

6. Packaging
Woww, already so deh shirt. To look pretty, bikinlah ciamik packaging, Packaging of unique t-shirts will help marketing.
Ok, hopefully helping us who want to enter the industry clothing. Do not forget, marketing, marketing and marketing ....


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